I'm a planner - type a, all the way. Fearlessness is not my forte (& neither is following my own advice.) Now, you won't be seeing me drop everything and moving across the world anytime soon - but here are 6 ways YOU can live fearlessly in 2014.
1. Drop everything and move across the world (or the country)
I have a handful of friends who have actually done this. Sick of where you live? Do something about it. Feel like seeing the world? Make it happen. Sell your car, buy a ticket and go. If not forever, for a year or two. I'm perfectly content where I am and although I've thought about moving somewhere tropical and amazing, I'll stick to living vicariously through those who do. But, that's not to say you shouldn't! The idea of moving somewhere where no one knows you & having to make all new friends both terrifying AND thrilling ... and definitely fearless.
2. Pursue a hobby & make it known
I will commit to something better if I tell the world about it. Even if the world doesn't care, I've set an expectation to meet. I wanted to make this blog my hobby, so I started posting it on Facebook. If you want to run a marathon but can't run a mile, go buy yourself some running shoes, running gear, download an app and pick a race you want to run in the future, start training and tell all of your friends.
3. Fall in love really hard, really fast
Everyone tells you to "take it slow" when it comes to relationships - but why? If it feels right, run with it. Move at your own pace - even if it's 10,000 mph. The absolute worst thing that can happen is it doesn't work out. Why not run off and take a road trip with some guy you just met last weekend ... sure he could be an ax murderer, but he could also be the future love of your life.
4. Completely change your life path.
Girl majors in finance and obtains a bachelor's degree. Girl interns at three stock brokerage firms. Girl obtains master's degree in finance. Girl passes CPA and CFA exams. Girl lands accountant job with a $75,000 starting salary. Six months later girl realizes she hates finance and would rather teach special education. Who cares if you've spent 6 years in school, three summers interning and one summer studying. If you're not satisfied, make a change in pursuit of your happiness.
5. Move actively towards a seemingly unreachable goal.
When I was 16 I decided I wanted to have a six-figure salary by age 25. Is it going to happen? Probably not - I'm happy at the company I work for and know it's going to be a very, very long time before I reach that goal. WITH THAT SAID - making this goal inspired me to get a good job, do my best to excel and try harder in school. Whether your goal is financial or something like writing and publishing a book, make a plan and work towards it. Nothing is truly impossible.
6. Post a shameless selfie.
Fight the fear of rejection. Selfies are not narcissistic ... they are empowering (if seldom posted.) A fantastic outfit / hair / makeup day deserves documentation. Boxing up your hotness is selfish. You know you look good, so share it with the world. #yougogirl
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